niedziela, 17 sierpnia 2014

food. track. love.

hi there! Poland is such a great country when it comes to long weekends, don't you think? there are always some during the year. last weekend was one of them and I am pretty sure most of you did something great :)

Family of Plums (as I like to call myself and boys) had some terrible and wonderful weather, bought accessories for newborn photo-session, went to photo store to complete some of our equipment, had lots of fun together, met friends not seen for a long time and went to Wroclove Foodlove, which was the Food Track festival. it was a fantastic event, wish those tracks were there every weekend :)

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poniedziałek, 11 sierpnia 2014

Gosia & Kubuś

some time ago I made short session with Gosia. couple days ago we set for a photo session in park with her lovely son, Jakub. unfortunately it was raining that day, and because we have already met, we took chances and take some photo at home. we will continue this, with proper session, but for now on enjoy them as much as I did :)

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some new some old

recently I am struggling with many thoughts about the future in the world of photography. I am considering a lot of options, life is serving us so many possibilities... I am kind of lost in those questions... like stay amateur or become professional? buy a lot better gear and the studio equipment or stay with what I have? commit my time, my precious, very limited free time to photography for others or let it be only for friends and family? expand my possibilities and experience or stay where I am? lost myself in passion or live as I used to?

I love the feeling when I take photo of the person, laugh with her/him/them, drink coffee, eat delicious cake, spend time to know them, to experience their inner beauty. and then hand over the results. the smile I see... it's the best feeling in the world. it's like giving them pure happiness. are you with me? can you imagine that feeling? how can I give it up? can I?

I am in the place where I need to chose. go further means go professional. only I have profession in totally different area. and I do like where I work and what I do there. I also have a child, small one, who needs me and my time. but I also want to do it. I am not happy with staying in one place for long, the same with not experiencing new opportunities. but am I strong enough? brave enough? smart enough?

so many questions but the answer is just right here, and I want to reach it, take it, be better, grow, smile with pride, give the happiness, see the joy over my work. so yes, I am, I do, I want.

so stay close, new era is coming :)
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niedziela, 3 sierpnia 2014

for tomorrow's breakfast: blueberry corn muffins

you have to bake them! they're not sweet, so perfect for breakfast with a cup of milk. not very simple, but you can make it :)

recipe available on

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